Tuning Upconversion through Energy Migration in Core-Shell Nanoparticles

Photon upconversion is promising for applications such as biological imaging, data storage or solar cells. Here, we have investigated upconversion processes in a broad range of gadolinium-based nanoparticles of varying composition. We show that by rational
design of a core–shell structure with a set of lanthanide ions incorporated into separated layers at precisely defined concentrations, efficient upconversion emission can be realized through gadolinium sublattice-mediated energy migration for
a wide range of lanthanide activators without long-lived intermediary energy states. Furthermore, the use of the core–shell structure allows the elimination of deleterious cross-relaxation. This effect enables fine-tuning of upconversion emission
through trapping of the migrating energy by the activators. Indeed, the findings described here suggest a general approach to constructing a new class of luminescent materials with tunable upconversion emissions by controlled manipulation of energy
transfer within a nanoscopic region.